June 20, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021, 5 and 6 PM*
Saturday, September 18, 2021, 1 and 2 PM*
*In case of inclement weather, check here for updates.
Exterior wall of the Moss Arts Center
"...brain-bending feats... all presumptions about gravity are thrown askew... the mind doesn’t quite believe what the eyes are telling it."
–Los Angeles Times
View the program for this event here.
The 2021-2022 season begins with an unforgettable community event! The side of the Moss Arts Center building becomes a dance floor for BANDALOOP, performers who use dynamic physicality and intricate choreography to change perspectives, inspire wonder, and challenge what is possible. Watch dancers rappel off the side of the center in this awe-inspiring season opening event that will mesmerize and delight audiences of all ages. These free outdoor performances celebrate the human spirit, nature, and community—exactly what we all need!
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Wednesday, September 15, 6 PM
Exterior of the Moss Arts Center
Free; registration required
BANDALOOP uses climbing technology to expand and challenge what is possible. Founded by Amelia Rudolph and under the artistic direction of Melecio Estrella, the company re-imagines dance, activates public spaces, and fuels the imagination of people around the world, having performed live for millions of people in over 22 countries, as well as on screens in films and digital media.
Let BANDALOOP take everything you know about dance and flip it on its side. Literally.
This is these artists' first performance at the Moss Arts Center.
BANDALOOP is funded by the City of Oakland, the National Endowment for the Arts, and a diverse set of individual donors who support our work from around the world. Find BANDALOOP on social media at @bandalooping.
Image Credits:
Header image: BANDALOOP in Yosemite National Park, photo by Braden Mayfield.
Carousel images: BANDALOOP in Sydney, photo by Basil Tsimoyianis; Los Angeles, photo by James Adamson; IMAX Dallas, photo by James Adamson; Budapest, photo by Basil Tsimoyianis; Tianmen Mountain in China, photo by James Adamson; Yosemite National Park, photo by Baseil Tsimoyianis; Sundial Bridge, photo by Krystal Harfert; photo by Krystal Harfert; photo by Krystal Harfert; and Salina, Kansas, photo by Corey Rich.