Office of the Associate Provost for the Arts
Ruth Waalkes |
Associate Provost for the Arts and Executive Director, Moss Arts Center |
540-231-0616 |
Devair Jeffries-Lee |
Arts@VirginiaTech Program Director |
540-231-0877 |
David Ehrlich |
Outreach Fellow for the Fine Arts |
540-357-0774 |
Molly Parker |
Executive Assistant |
540-231-0616 |
Paul Brammer |
Chief Advancement Officer, Moss Arts Center and University Libraries |
540-231-0845 |
Kasey Socks |
Assistant Director of Leadership Gifts |
540-739-4767 |
Brian Holcombe |
Curator |
540-231-0839 |
Finance and Administration
Alyssa Watkins |
Director of Finance and Administration |
540-231-0829 |
Toni Cartee |
Business Manager |
540-231-0837 |
Lori Compton |
Housekeeper |
Destiny Culverhouse |
Housekeeper |
Austin Elliott |
Building Manager |
540-231-6771 |
Matt Hudson |
IT Operations Manager |
540-231-0453 |
Herman Noble |
Building Operations Coordinator |
540-231-5505 |
Emily Wilkins |
Fiscal Technician |
540-231-0856 |
Marketing and Communication
Katie Gehrt |
Director of Marketing and Communication |
540-231-7443 |
Susan Bland |
Associate Director of Communication |
540-231-1986 |
Avery Eliades |
Associate Director of Content and Digital Strategy |
540-231-0855 |
Shanin Glenn |
Graphic Design Manager |
540-231-5275 |
Ellery Huffman |
Marketing Coordinator |
540-231-1983 |
Patron Services
Jonathan Boulter |
Director of Ticketing and Patron Services |
540-231-9793 |
Hannah Holbrook |
House Manager |
540-231-3409 |
Jamie Wiggert |
Box Office Manager |
540-231-0297 |
Doug Witney |
Director of Production |
540-231-4270 |
Robert Gainer |
Audio Supervisor and Associate Director of Production |
540-231-5406 |
Kyle Gavell |
Lighting Supervisor |
540-231-5486 |
Laine Goerner |
Production and Rentals Manager |
540-231-1308 |
Forrest Harrell |
Stage and Rigging Supervisor |
540-231-0888 |
Joe Ingram |
Senior Technician, Stage and Rigging |
540-231-0889 |
CJ Jessie |
Senior Technician, Lighting |
Jackson Stitzer |
Senior Technician, Audio/Video |
540-232-4869 |
Margaret Lawrence |
Director of Programming |
540-231-0608 |
Bethany Costello |
Engagement Manager |
540-231-0806 |
Beth Jessee |
Artist Services Assistant |
540-231-0862 |
Ben Jewell-Plocher |
Associate Director of Engagement |
540-231-0872 |
Sarah M. Johnson |
Program Manager |
540-231-0843 |