Diverse Voices and Perspectives Lecture Series

Find more information about Virginia Tech's Diverse Voices and Perspectives Lecture Series at the Arts@VirginiaTech site here.
The Diverse Voices and Perspectives Lecture Series (formerly the Women and Minority Artists and Scholars Lecture Series) is designed to promote the number and diversity of scholarly voices and artistic expressions from underrepresented communities by providing funding assistance for Virginia Tech departments and other units.
With support from Arts@VirginiaTech and the university’s Office of the Provost, the program provides up to $750 in funds to support events and experiences that provide students with opportunities to interact with guest lecturers or artists to increase their access to successful women and minority role models.
Giving voice to minority and women’s perspectives, these lectures provide an inclusive and interactive space for scholarly exploration and support a collaborative environment for attendees. Invited speakers may be from any discipline, gender, race, or ethnicity. Invitations to speakers whose scholarship incorporates race, gender, class, or international perspectives are especially encouraged. Presentations that would appeal to a wider audience will be given preference.